1. 工具
2. 常用词句
It is worth noting that ……:值得一提的是……
To the best of our knowledges, ……:据我们所知,……
…… can be formulated as follow:……可以使用如下的公式化表示。
…… read more closely:…… 更仔细地阅读。
leaving open the question of:……是一个悬而未决的问题。
In what follows:在下文中
refer to A as B:把 A 称作 B
……cease to be……:……不再是……
One can show that:可以看出……
in terms of:依据,按照,在……方面,以……措词
closed form:解析解
…… be expressed in closed form:对……给出解析解
resemble:v. 像,与……相似
The approach followed by……:……采用的方法
remarkably:adv 值得注意的是
devote to:将……奉献给,把……专用于
pros and cons:优点和缺点
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